2009 ended. Looking back at the years, I have already grown up, and metamorphosis from a boy to a teenager. :)
Last day of 2009 was tremendously awesome with my BABY, in fact the whole holiday was awesome when my BABY was around. Went to supperclub with arfin & his friends, khabir & his girlfriend ,sean, cheng heng, wen qiang ,my BABY and her friends during holiday on separate days, I am really happy and totally enjoyed it to the max.
Starting of 2009, waiting for the O level results and enjoying my holidays with my brothers, friends and I want to say a thank you from the bottom of my heart for all my brothers & friends who always by my side when I need them.
Choosing for the course I want, DBIS,I enter RP. Slowly getting to a new environment and getting to know new friends and the cycle continues.
Many things happen in Semester 1 2009, but there are also many memories, esp. some which I will never ever forget.
I would like to say that I have awesome classmates and the class of W15J really leaves me with many of beautiful memories which I will never forget. Thank you guys!
June, it is month I have got to know her. And, on that day we were together, I really wanna to say THANK YOU to my BABY, no matter what happened, she always there for me and take care of me. She is really a very very good girl.
The time we spend was really great, although there were times we are unhappy about one another, I am sorry BABY for the times that I made you angry, sad, cry. I was childish sometimes. Sorry .
To many people, oversea might be going very very far to enjoy and relax, in fact, it is not about the distances where you go, the most important thing it is about the time that you spend and asking yourself is it really fulfil and worth, and are you treasure the time that you spend? And most importantly years later, will you still remember who you spend with during your life journey esp for the oversea trip.
I will never forget the oversea trip to KL and Genting with my BABY, I am speaking this,from the bottom of my heart that that time was really the first time going oversea with the girl I love.
There are really too many victims of transitory, there is no such word such as “LOVE”. Love has no PAST TENSE, if you ever stop loving someone, then you never TRULLY love them in the first!
I would like to say that 2009, Besides my classmates, friends that I have met, my greatest investment for the 2009 is my BABY. I know her by fate and I love her more than words can say.
I want to say a “Thank you “ to all the people out there who makes me smiles in 2009 and last but least, the most important person in my heart, THANK YOU BABY.
P.S: Hold you tight and will never say GOODBYE again! <3
Now school reopen again. Siannnzzz lah.. I am still in the holiday mood. Really hope time fly faster. I am looking forward to the upcoming 2 months holiday. I am going Thailand with my BABY. YAYNESS!!!
Awesome Right??? I know. KITY & LQTM
Okay lah..Thanks to all my friends, brothers, classmates out there once again. To you also, My BABY makes me smile & leave me with pulchritude memories in 2009.
P.S: Knowing you by Fate, Holding you tight & Truly meant for you!!! <3