Recovered from sick within 2 days time, Thank you dear really spending time by my side and taking care of me.
It has been a long time i did not go clubbing. Don't have any of the urge going to club anymore. Working, Spending time with my dear was much
meaningful, realistic and the wonderful happiness really keep the warm going on. :D
Went to supperclub on 2 April together with my dear, Kokpin, Weesien,Yixian,Ben,SA to celebrate Ziying's 17th birthday. A lot of people there,
very crowded, queue also fucking long. Go in about 12 then we left around 2 a.m. Really fucktard and something unpleasant happened. Really not
happy. Those stupid kids anyhow throw glass bottles.
Went to Eski Bar with same group of people to drink. It was so much fun man!!! Totally enjoyed myself and the experience over there. Super duper
cool!!! wuhahahaaxx.. I am very sure that i will go there with my dear to there again. :D
I left Eski Bar earlier to Bugis there to find my friends. Brothers gathering on that same day, so concidental lorx.. Reached Topone like around
3a.m. Drink with them and talked. Taking care of my brother, he is very drunk. Songs continuing around my ear. Similar songs appeared, it reminds me of the time i spend with my dear....
Left around 5+. My head very pain, little bit giddy, there is only one thought come to my mind : I WANT TO SEE MY DEAR VERY VERY MUCH!!!
Heading down to meet my precious dear. Talked awhile then went home. She was very very tired, still need to take care of me. Sorry dear i make you
so tired....D:
Meet up with our this group of people on Wednesday, dinner together and went to Ginza there to drink and enjoyed ourselves as YC is going Taiwan with army...
Cook dinner next day with dear much fun.. The experience of spending time and putting all the efforts to prepare a meal for your
loved one was highly indescribable.
Went to Town with dear today, actual plan was to get the same colour of slipper from Havaianas, however the all those colours we saw dun have my
size. Quite disappointed at that moment. But it is still okay. My dear and me still manage to get the colour of the slipper we want, am i right
dear? wuhahahahaa.. KITO :]
There was this cute conversation between me and my dear :
D: 在哪里?
T: 在你心里! :)
D: 我是说那个地方在哪里啊 ?
T: ohhhh.. 在前面那边! :)
D: ohhhh.. 废话lehhh!!!
T: ......
LOL....So much cute and interest man....wuhahahaah..
& there is something else i laugh very loud.. you should know arhhh dear... ROFL..<3
Heading down to Bugis there, wuahahaha.. dear bought her top, bandage jeans from there and i bought my shoe.. YAY!!! Both of us are so happy.. Had
dinner together, the food so delicious man! Right dear? hehehexxx
Life is never bored when you are by my side!!!
Thank you DEAR <3
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